Videos presenting EC+ Project:
Support documents from external institutions:
- Resolution considering ICIATC conference as a Scientific health interest event by the regional government (Junta de Andalucía, Spain) (document).
- Support letter by CERMI association (document).
EC+ Project in Mass Media:
- EC+ in Málaga Hoy newspaper (news).
- EC+ in Diario Sur newspaper (news).
- EC+ in La Opinión de Málaga newspaper (news).
- EC+ in Aula Magna newspaper (link - page 27).
- EC+ in La Vanguardia newspaper (link).
- EC+ in digital newspaper (link).
- EC+ in Europress press agency (link).
- EC+ in GenteDigital digital newspaper (link).
- EC+ in 20Minutos newspaper (link).
- EC+ in Diario de Almería newspaper (news).
- EC+ in news section of University of Klagenfurt (news).
- EC+ course announced in De Taalsector online journal (news).
- Interview to Enrcarnación Postigo about EC+ app in Canal Málaga radio network (audio).
- EC+ in WomanTech digital journal (link).
- EC+ app in Grupo Amás website (link).
- EC+ course in NovaCiencia digital journal (link).
- EC+ course in 20Minutos newspaper (link).
- EC+ app in UMA news site (link).
- EC+ app in Universidad de La Laguna news site (link).
Dissemination activities for families and professionals:
- M. Calleja and E. Postigo. Comunicació en persones amb di a través de l'ús de les TIC's. El projecte EC+ in Atenció Integral a les Persones amd Dicapacitat Intellectual (DI) i del Desenvolupament. June 14th, 2018, Reus, Spain. (flyer - vídeo). Video with all talks in this meeting: link.
- Lorena Joga and Encarnación Postigo. Aplicación EC+ para la optimización de la comunicación total para la discapacidad mediante el uso de nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito de la educación, la sanidad y la interpretación in Jornada de actualización para profesionales sobre el Síndrome de Angelman. June 2-3, 2018. Barcelona, Spain. (flyer).
- M. Hilzensauer, The Deaf Literacy (DEAFLI) –Ein Online-Deutschkurs mit Gebärdensprache in ÖLT, VERBAL-WORKSHOP 19.11. 2016, Graz
- M. Hilzensauer, Überblick über laufende ZGH-Projekte 2018, in ÖGLB Vernetzungstreffen, 3.3. 2018
- M. Hilzensauer and C. Kulterer. Dissemination activies. Kaglenfurt, 10.2018
- M. Calleja. Discapacidad Intelectual Severa. Ciclo de conferencias de la facultad de Psicología (póster). 25.4.2018
Publications in journal and proceedings associated to the project:
- E. Postigo, M. Calleja, "A model to Enhance Interaction for People with Severe Intellectual Disability in Healthcare, Education and Interpreting", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 237, 21 February 2017, Pages 1189–1195.
- F. Chicano, G. Luque "A Mobile Application and Academic Portal to Support Professionals Working with People Having Severe Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 237, 21 February 2017, Pages 568–575.
- Calleja, M.; Postigo, E. y Chicano, F. (2016) Enhancing Communicacion: Una herramienta parahacer frente a las necesidades comunicativas complejas de las personas con discapacidad intelectual severa. En Clemente, A. Fernández, M.y Martín- Aragoneses, M. T., Actas del Congreso AELFA: Bilbao:UNED,pp. 71-85.
- Postigo, E (2017). Effective Technologies and Tools for Improving Professionals and Users' Communication in Disability Settings. in CBU International Conference on Innovations in Science and Education, 22 - 24 March 2017, Prague, Czech Republic (Presentation - Article).
- Postigo Pinazo, E., Calleja Reina, M. Gabau Vila, E. (2018) Disability and Communication: Scientific Analysis, Total Communication and ITCs Tools and Case Studies. Mcgraw Hill.
- Cómitre Narváez, Isabel, Sous-titrage publicitaire pour sourds et malentendants: enjeux, défis et perspectives d'avenir. Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos 22.2 (2016), pp 14-30, ISSN: 2340-88561
- Talk performed by Marina Calleja Reina about "EC+ una app para mejorar la intervención con personas con discapacidad intelectual severa y necesidades complejas de comunicación" in III Congreso Nacional de Psicología, held on July 2017 at Oviedo, Spain.
- H. Vermeiren, Inclusion and Multimodality in Dialogue Interpreting Designing an Online Course, in 7th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, Ghent, Belgium, 21-23 November 2017.
- H. Vermeiren, EC+ Enhanced Communication Applicatie, in ISAAC-Netherlands/Flanders, Doorn, Netherlands, 3 October 2017
- H. Vermeiren, Multimodal Communication, Yes. But what about interaction?. in MMSYM Bielefeld, 16-17 October 2017
- Cómitre Narváez, I. y Sedano Ruiz, E. (2018): «Sous-titrage créatif pour enfants malentendants: les contes au cinéma» (in press, accepted by international journal Palimpsestes, revue de traduction, 31, Paris Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle (Ponencia presentada en Colloque Tract «Traduire les sens en littérature pour la jeunesse » 13-14 october 2017, University of Sorbonne nouvelle – Paris 3).
- I. Comitre: Subtitulado creativo para niños sordos: aplicación al cuento "La bergère qui danse" de M. Ocelot in XI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Nacional de Investigación en Literatura Intanil y Juvenil, 27, 28 y 29 September 2017, Granada.
- I. Comitre La traduction publicitaire: un compromis stratégique in Colloque Internaional Traducteurs et interprètes face aux défis sociaux et politiques. La neutralité en question. 60e anniversaire de l'ÉSIT - École Supérieure d'Interprètes et Traducteurs - Sorbonne Nouvelle -Paris 3, 27 October 2017
- Postigo, E (2018). Total Communication and Technologies to Interact with People with Severe Intellectual Disability Addressed to Train Healthcare, Education and Interpreting Professionals. in International Conference on New Perspectives in Science Education, 22 - 23 March 2018, Florence, Italy (Presentation).
- Vicente-Foster, Ana Juana y Postigo, E. (2018). EC+: a project and an app for interpreters working in intellectual disability settings. Translation Industry Conference 2018, June 4th, University of Perm, Russia (Video presentation)
- M. Calleja (2018). EC+ una app para mejorar la competencia comunicativa en personas con DIP. in Jornadas Internacionales Bajo Coste. 12-14 July, Albacete, Spain.