EC+ project

Enhancing Communication: Research to improve communication
for people with special needs and development of ICT
resources and tools

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Training in Málaga

Curso sobre “La optimización de la comunicación total
para la discapacidad mediante el uso de nuevas tecnologías
en el ámbito de la educación, sanidad e interpretación”
(diciembre de 2016)

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Academic Portal

Our academic portal contains a vast amount of resources to
help in the communication with persons with special needs
(beta version). Take a look!

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Android application

Find our Android App in Google Play (beta version),
available for Android 4.0.3 or higher.

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Contact us

You can follow us in Twitter (@ECPlusProject), Facebook
( or write an e-mail

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Book cover

NEW: The book "Disability and Communication: Scientific Analysis, Total Communication, ICT Tools and Case Studies" with the main contributions of this project is now free-available at link.

EC+-Enhancing communication aims to improve interaction with people with special needs and development of ICT resources and tools. It is a 33 month project coordinated by the University of Malaga and within the European Commission framework under the  2015 Erasmus + programme KA2 “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices” in the field of Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education. The project aims at training students from several disciplines (education, psychology, interpreting and speech therapy) in specialized communication with disabled and developing a comprehensive framework of IT tools to enhance communication with people who are at high risk of total exclusion due to severe intellectual disability.

Spanish video
Spanish Video
Spanish video
English Video



  1. To create a pedagogical portal which will offer open educational resources  based on scientific and medical and psychology reference sources.
  2. To create tools and software based on total communication approach, sign language and multimodal resources that can be downloaded by using mobile applications.
  3. To train university students whose future profession involves working with disabled people.
  4. To test products with stakeholders.
  5. To collaborate with European partners in joint research and publish findings of the project in specialised journals.
  6. To disseminate the project activities and findings and to make it sustainable.


University of MálagaAlpen-AdriaGentParc Tauli



Tikoteekki (Finland)   ADIPA IES Ben Al-Jatib


Andalucía TechSamsung




CERMI Andalucía  Amirax  San Vicente de Paul  AEMMA Cátedra Junta de Andalucía

Colegio Purísima